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Change is on the horizon for yogapeople.

A yoga student getting a massage.
At the end of a yoga class...

Dear yogapeople community,

With heavy hearts mixed with a sense of excitement, we're writing to announce a significant change for yogapeople. Our beautiful Winterthur studio will close its doors at the end of June 2024, as we embark on a fresh chapter in our lives.

A pup-inspired change

A few months ago, we decided to make a furry addition to our family – a poodle puppy! Our journey started when we found a wonderful breeder, and we'll be welcoming our new companion from her next litter this fall.

However, an unexpected hurdle arose. After requesting permission from our landlord to keep a dog (as is required by our lease), we were surprised and saddened to be denied. Despite exploring alternatives and taking other personal factors into consideration, we've chosen to prioritize our growing family, even if it means finding a new place to call home.

The yogapeople-Studio: a community space.

Difficult choices and grateful hearts

Since we'll most likely be relocating by August 1st, we've made the difficult decision to close our yogapeople studio on Wartstrasse 17 at the end of June. We understand this is sudden, and any outstanding subscription hours that remain unused will be refunded.

A heartfelt farewell (and exciting opportunities!)

We invite you to say goodbye with us! On Saturday, June 29th, we'll host a free FAREWELL YOGA CLASS (10:00-11:15, limited to 8 participants), followed by a POTLUCK BRUNCH (starting at 11:30) and a mini-auction where you can take home a piece of yogapeople (mats, props, plants, etc.).

Please register online for the yoga class to secure your place. Let us know if you'll be joining us for the brunch afterward (and what you'd like to bring). Both events can be booked online the same way you book your regular classes.

yogapeople's journey continues

While leaving our Winterthur studio and this incredible community fills us with sadness, we're also immensely excited about the possibilities ahead. yogapeople will continue to support your yoga journey through workshops, retreats, events, private lessons, and online content. Our next retreat in October is already online and open for bookings. Stay tuned for updates via our newsletter – we hope to stay connected!

Calling all yoga-lovers!

Are you passionate about yoga and dream of running your own studio? Or are you looking for a place to make another one of your projects come true? We're seeking a successor to continue the legacy we've built at Wartstrasse 17. Perhaps it's you, or someone you know? We'd love to hear from anyone seriously interested in taking over this beautiful, custom-furnished urban oasis.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

Your support and dedication over these past three years have made yogapeople so special. We treasure the bonds we've formed and hope to see you on the mat again soon, both virtually and in person.

With love and gratitude,

Alexandra & Ed

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